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Payment & Security

How are orders processed?

All transactions are processed by Paypal.  Paypal is a global leader in online payment solutions with 100 million account members in 55 countries and regions around the world.  Buyers, sellers, retailers, online businesses, as well as traditional offline businesses are transacting with Paypal.

Through Paypal, we accept credit and debit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover), as well as bank transfer.  You can also pay directly through your Paypal account.  We recommend you open a Paypal account, but it is not mandatory to have one to purchase from our store.

Is my personnal information safe with you?

Our shopping cart is provided by Shopify, a leading online processing company.  At checkout, your order is forwarded to Paypal, where you enter your payment information and address.  Alademarket doesn’t handled any of this information.  When you use Paypal, your information is never shared with us.

At Paypal, the shopping cart and payment processing are hosted on secure servers, which encrypt all submitted inormation using secure server software (SSL), the industry standard and among the best software available for secure transactions. Paypal is certified by Verisign and Better Business Bureau’s BBBOnline Privacy Program.  In addition, Paypal utilises advanced proprietary fraund prevention systems to create a safe shopping experience.

See our detailed privacy policy

There’s a charge on my card I don’t recognised.  First, verify that it’s an transaction by looking at the description section on your statement.  An transaction should read “PAYPAL *EXCEEDTRADI” or PAYPAL *EXCEEDTRADING”.

Secondly, compare this with the e-mail notification you received from your last order. Remember that while credit transactions are authorised immediately, the date the payment is settled could differ from the date you placed the order.

If you’ve determined that something is wrong, please contact us immediately by e-mail. Be assured that we take your online safety seriously, and we will respond to every query within 24 hours.